Thursday, March 5, 2009

Gimme a Vampire

So I just started reading the books by Stephanie Meyer. The book that started it all was 'Twilight'. and the second book 'New Moon'. I am currently on the third book, 'Eclipse'. So basically you may say that im hooked. I absolutely love Edward Cullen. Team Edward all the way. He's my favorite vampire. Alice is cool, too.

He cares for Bella. They are lucky to have each other. I was so hooked to 'Twlight', I finished it under 10 days. && last sunday, March 1st at 5:00am, i finished 'New Moon'.

Its safe to say, that I never knew this book existed. But Stephanie Meyer is an absolute GENIUS. Best author to me after JK Rowling. But since the harry potter series are done, 'Twlight' just took that spot. haha lol

I can't wait till I get she comes out with 'Midnight Sun'. Because its from his points of view... I already pre-ordered the special edition dvd. Cant wait till March 21st. && the release party at Hot Topic.

I'm absolutely hooked. I WANT A VAMPIREE.weird, huh? But i'm picky, i want one thats on a diet. OF COURSE,!

SEE YA,...


much love, g2g

Friday, February 6, 2009


Lil' Wayne

He's my favorite rapper. The illest one. First, he's type cute sometimes. He has his days where he can be dumb cute and ugly as hell. One of my co-workers say he raps about nothing. He always seems to be high; but that is besides the point. LMFAO. As you can see, i think otherwise. I am not his biggest fan, but i just like his lyrics and him as a rapper. He's a beasttt! A million here; a million there... Cash money [$$$) cash. cash. cash money [$$$).!
His song "lollipop" was a catchy song; you could easily rap to it or even dance to it. I know I could and did so. I loved the unofficial and official remix. The song "Mrs. Officer" was nice too, except I aint like the chick who played Weezy's officer. He could of gotten someone much better.
He already has like 8 nominations in the grammy's. Like who does it better than Mr. Carter. I can see no one has swagga like him. Its so ridiculous. He has more nominations than any other artist according to his website.
Sometime last year, a rumor spread around about his daughter being dead, which cruel of someone to come up with that and spreading and broadcasting that. Thank god it was taken care of and resolved. I was feeling sympathy when i heard of it, then BET said it wasn't true. That it was a lie. I was relieved because I know that if I had a kid and a rumor went around that she died when she didn't, I would be furious and want to end them. But i'm glad it was taken care of.
In 2007,
A MTV poll selected him [hottest MC in the game ).
New York magazine named him [rapper of the year).
GQ named him [workaholic of the year ).
In 2008,
Blender named him [best rock star alive ).
Rolling Stones named him [best MC ).